
utemeljivač REBT-a i kognitivno-bihejvioralnih terapija

Dr Albert Elis, jedan od najuticajnijih psihoterapeuta u istoriji psihoterapije. Američki časopis Psychology Today ga je 2007. godine opisao kao „najvećeg živog psihologa“. Objavio je 54 knjige i preko 600 stručnih i naučnih članaka.
Njegova uloga u nastanku i razvoju kognitivne revolucije u psihologiji eksplicitno je priznata od strane Američke psihološke asocijacije (APA), dodeljivanjem nagrade  „Distinguished Contribution to Knowledge“.
Prenosimo vam deo obrazloženja Američke psihološke asocijacije:
“… Dr. Albert Ellis’s theoretical contribution has had a profound effect on the professional practice of psychology. His theories on the primacy of cognitions in psychopathology are at the forefront of practice and research in Clinical psychology… His theories have provided a starting point for many who investigate the nature of human emotional disturbance and its treatment …



You will tend to see that there really are no absolutistic, unconditional MUSTS in the universe and that devoutly believing in any of them will lead to needless disturbance.
The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.!

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    • REBT centar je saizvođač četvorogodišnje edukacije iz racionalno-emotivne i kognitivno-bihejvioralne terapije (REKBT) koja se organizuje i odvija prema standardima edukacije Udruženja za kognitivne i bihejvioralne terapije Srbije (UKBTS).
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    15.-16. septembar 2018.
    Prof. Windy Dryden, Ph.D.

    Very Brieff Cognitive–Behavioral Coaching

    22.-23. septembar 2018.
    Kristene Doyle, Ph.D.

    REBT/CBT for Individuals With Eating and Body Image Problems

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